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  tématického semináře konaného v rámci výstupů  projektu podpořeného  Evropským sociálním fondem

 Kvalitativní rozvoj učitelství fyziky 


  Semináře jsou určeny pro zájemce z řad studentů učitelství, pro absolventy a pedagogické pracovníky. Aktuální březnový program semináře zahrnuje přednášky zahraničních hostů :


Operační program rozvoje lidských zdrojů EU

Termíny: Brno-20.3.2007, Olomouc-23.3.2007


           Virtual Materials in the Real World   

     / simulation in process and product development /   

prof.Hermann Riedel, FIW, Germany    

 Computer simulation is an important part of the development process, when new products and production facilities are designed. The institute FIW promotes this trend, especially by exploring the behavior of new and old materials and by casting the results into equations that are useful for computer simulation.

Examples are texture evolution or crack formation during rolling, spring-back after sheet metal forming, powder metallurgical processes, thermo-mechanical fatigue of engine components and crash simulation. 


UP PřF Olomouc uč. LN51
čtvrtek 22.3.2007 
od 14:00 - 15:30 hod. 


MU PdF Brno, Poříčí 7, P-3 
úterý 20.3.2007 
od 13:00 - 14:30hod.

Exoticism and Everydaynesss

 / Impressions based on fieldwork with Muslim students at the Malabar Christian College, Kérala / 

Barbara Riedel
Institute of Ethnology
University of Freiburg








The lecture will provide a glance into the present situation of modern day Muslim students at a college in University of Calicut Southwest-India, a general view on their attitudes and perspectives toward their own lives and towards the world surrounding them.

The questions I have been seeking an answer to are about the following:

Which are the attitudes of today's Muslim students towards their families, their friends and friendships, towards their belief and their community, towards their college? Are they politically or culturally conscious and active? Who are their heroes? What do they read? Which movies do they watch? Who and what takes influence on the development of their attitudes and characters? Are there winners, are there losers of modern day cultural change?

My intention is to show, that there always have been influences from East and West as well as local features, which have been integrated into the culture of the Mappila Muslims and accepted as their own. Can today's globalization be interpreted in a similar way? Which role does "the West" play, and which "the East", i.e. the Gulf Countries?