Trends in Internationalization of Higher Education: The Hague University of Applied Sciences and Faculty of Education Masaryk University

O semináři






Relaxační a konferenční místnost, Pedagogická fakulta MU, Poříčí 9. Brno

Pedagogická fakulta MU ve spolupráci se strategickým partnerem The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS) Vás zve na seminář "Vize internacionalizace Pedagogické fakulty". V programu vystoupí Dr. Michel Hogenes z THUAS, předsedající mezinárodní radě pro internacionalizaci kurikula v projektu MUNI 4. 

The Faculty of Education in cooperation with our international strategic partner, The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS), cordially invites you to attend our joint seminar on the envisioned future of an internationalized Faculty of Education. Featured presenter, Dr. Michel Hogenes, Lecturer, Faculty of Social Work and Education, The Hague University -newly appointed chair of the MUNI 4 project International Curriculum Board (ICB) at PdFMU.

Prezentace budou v anglickém jazyce, překlad a komentář v českém jazyce zajištěn.

Na seminář je nutné se registrovat pomocí formuláře na této webové stránce.



Michel Hogenes

lecturer at Hague University - teacher education department, social work and education -

ICB Board Director at the Faculty of Education Masaryk University

Bez popisku

Michel Hogenes is a lecturer at the teacher education department of De Haagse Hogeschool [The Hague University of Applied Sciences]. He also lectures at the Music Education Department of Codarts, Rotterdam University of the Arts (Bachelor: Music in Education, and Master: Arts Education), and is the conductor of Projektkoor Rijswijk [Project Choir Rijswijk].


Besides his work at both universities of applied sciences and his choral conducting, Michel is active in several organizations. He is chair of Gehrels Muziekeducatie [Gehrels Music Education], and the European Network for Music Educators and Researchers of Young Children (EuNet MERYC). He is TIG leader of the Arts Education TIG (Thematic Interest Group) which is part of the European Teacher Education Network (ETEN); board member of Stichting Coincidences [Stichting Looking for Coincidences]; member of the Board of Trustees of Music Educators and Researchers of Young Children, United Kingdom (MERYC UK); editor of Applied Research Today (ART), a journal of The Hague University of Applied Sciences; and ambassador of More Music in the Classroom [More Music in the Classroom].



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THUAS, jako strategický partner MU, spolupracuje s naší univerzitou v Haagské síti.

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