L inspiration par la chevalerie des chansons de geste dans une série de la bande dessinée Les Tours de Bois Maury

Title in English Chansons de geste inspiration in the comics series Les Tours de Bois-Maury

NOVOTNÁ Miroslava

Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Romanica olomucensia XVIII
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords comics Myddle Age chanson de geste
Description The article tries to analyze the relationships between the Middle Ages, medieval history, and heroic poems on one hand and the twentieth and twenty first century literature on the other hand. Herman Huppen s comics series Les Tours de Bois Maury is primarily a product of its autho s fantasy, but the inspiration by the world of chansons de geste is indisputable: crusades, pilgrimages to the Holy Land, to Jerusalem and Santiago de Compostella, cruelty of medieval battles, friendship and solidarism of warriors regardless whether they are knights or not.

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