Doctoral study
Theory of Art and Gallery Education – Department of Art Education standards from 2019
Mandatory professional activities during doctoral studies at of the Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education MU
A. Introductory provisions:
The course of study and fulfilment of interim and final requirements are governed by faculty regulations. The partial specifics of the doctoral study program of the Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University must correspond to the faculty requirements and the department's regulation specifies certain details.
B. Publications during the study:
1. One published study in which the doctoral student is the main author, or one of the maximum three authors in a journal (anthology) included in the WOS ISI, SCOPUS databases. /*
2. One study published in a journal included in the ERIH database or in the List of peer-reviewed non-impacted periodicals published in the Czech Republic. /*
3. At least one published chapter or a partial study in a scholarly publication (monography). /*
4. Part of the dissertation published as a chapter in a scholarly publication (monography) or in a journal or publishing the entire dissertation in the form of an individual scholarly publication (monography)
5. At least 2 studies in scholarly press outside the database (actually published texts – important anthologies, catalogues, magazines, internet magazines - ISBN, ISSN)
6. Active participation in specific research projects (departmental and faculty projects), texts in publications
7. Each year of study at least 2 published popularizing text (comment, interview, review or news in the daily press or other printed and electronic media)
8. Active participation at a conference (2 domestic and 1 foreign during the whole study)
* The quantity of publications in points 1 – 3 can be adjusted according to the topic of the dissertation and the professional focus of the students. If not published, it is necessary to provide a proof that the studies have been accepted by the editors for review. In exceptional cases, after consultation with the head of the department and the head of the DSP and following a proposal by the supervisor, the academic council will assess the value of the publication outputs.
C. Other mandatory activities:
1. Continuous work on the dissertation and fulfilment of mandatory exams according to the study plan
2. Participation in teaching activities at the Department of Art Education in compliance with the general principles for doctoral students at Faculty of Education MU /**
3. Cooperation on the activities of the department – every year participation at minimum one event as an author and organizer (organization of exhibition, workshop, excursion, conference, Brno Art Week, etc.) /**
4. Submission of a grant project (1 personal or team project with publication output) /**
5. Internship abroad in a professional institution or university (minimum 1 full month – 31 days)
6. Presentation at the departmental doctoral colloquium (1 presentation at the end of the 1st year and 1 thematic lecture during the study)
7. Preparation of teaching or information materials for www.KVV - 2x during the study /**
8. Publication and adherence to consultation hours on two days a week for 120 minutes /**
9. Other individual professional activities
** for students in the distant study program, the scope is reduced
D. Schedule – compulsory outputs at the end of the 2nd and 3rd semester /***
A. At the end of the 2nd semester
1. Completed publication according to point B7, elaborated text according to B2, elaborated text according to B5
2. Completion of tasks according to C1, C2, C3, C6 and C8, elaboration of C4 and C5
3. Thematic scholarly literature search on the chosen topic completed
B. At the end of the 3rd semester
1. Completed publication according to B7, sent or developed text according to B1 and B2, 1 publication B5
2. Agreed or already confirmed internship abroad
3. Completion of tasks according to C1, C2 and C3, elaboration of C7
4. Elaborated sub-chapters for dissertation (literature search, theoretical introduction, etc.)
5. Scheduled participation at a conference
*** Students are obliged to enter their activities in the IS system on an ongoing basis and thus provide an overview to the supervisor. In case of non-fulfilment, the supervisor is obliged to enter in the IS system an unsatisfactory evaluation in the subjects Professional Orientation in the Field and Dissertation Preparation. The basis for the evaluation after the 2nd semester is, in addition to the set outputs, a presentation at the colloquium. Assessment after the 2nd and 3rd semester will be prepared by the supervisor in consultation with other supervisors, with the DSP guarantor and with the head of the department. Disputed results may be an incentive not to award credits and to terminate the study - the academic council decides on the proposal for termination of the study.
E Schedule at the end of the study
At the end of the semester, which precedes the last two semesters before the planned dissertation defense, it is necessary to complete a mandatory consultation with the supervisor on the dissertation in progress (submitted text in the range of at least one third of the total work). For this consultation, students will submit a written overview of the overall fulfilment of publication and other study obligations (with links to IS system) and the printed part of the dissertation. The supervisor will prepare a written report from this consultation as a basis for the preparation of the final procedure (evaluation of the submitted text, assessment of the scope, proposal of the opponents for further selection, etc.). This report will be accompanied by an overview of the applicant's publication outputs and other activities.
Subsequently, the head of the doctoral study and the head of the department together with the supervisor will prepare a proposal of the terms of the defense and the composition of the commission as the basis for the meeting of the academic council.
F. General provisions
The condition for the commencement of the final procedure (state examination and dissertation defense) is the publication of the dissertation or its parts in the scholarly press and the completion of all prescribed mandatory activities.
The supervisor monitors the continuous fulfilment of individual requirements, work on the dissertation and passing the exams and records his / her evaluation in the IS system each semester (the student enters data about his / her exams and performances into the evaluation table). The stated requirements are the basis within which individual differences are possible according to the individual focus and workload in the semester. In case of non-fulfilment of some requirements, evaluation consultation with the supervisor is necessary, the head of the DSP and the head of the department and determine substitute activities and deadlines.
These requirements apply to students admitted in January 2019 and later.
Prof. PaedDr. Radek Horáček Ph.D., guarantor of the doctoral study program (DSP) KVV PdF MU
Doc. PaedDr. Hana Stehlíková Babyrádová, Ph.D., Vice-Chairwoman of the DSP academic council
Mgr. Petr Kamenický, Ph.D., Head of Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education MU
Validity of the regulation: from the academic year 2019/2020
Brno, 28 February 2019 – 28 November 2019
Updated 25. 5. 2022

Voluntary levitation after a successful state doctoral examination and dissertation defense / Andrea Uváčiková, November 29, 2019 Photo by Jana Nedomová