doc. Mgr. Olga Dontcheva-Navrátilová, Ph.D.
Faculty of Education, Masaryk University
This workshop addresses the writing of abstracts in PhD thesis and research articles in English. The main focus will be on the rhetorical structure of abstracts, the main patterns of thematic progression, as well as on cross-cultural variation in academic writing. In addition, the rhetorical structure of thesis and research articles abstracts will be compared in relation to the difference of power asymmetries in educational and professional genres. The workshop will also include analysis of sample abstracts and practice in writing abstracts.
Workshopy jsou nabízeny i zájemcům z řad akademiků.
Na workshop je potřeba se přihlásit nejpozději dva dny před jeho konáním.
S dotazy se můžete obrátit na Mgr. Janu Veličkovou (