Changes of Selected Somatic Parameters of Czech Senior Population

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Název česky Změny vybraných somatických parametrů seniorské populace České republiky


Rok publikování 2012
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sportovních studií

Popis Introduction Nowadays in the life of human being the movement activities play all the time more and more important role. The purpose of any recreational movement activity is the health increase and prolonging of active life. During last several decades changed fundamentally the way of human living. On one side there was step by step minimized the movement activity and on the other side extremely increased the emotion and psychological load and parallel was worsened the quality of life environment. The care of individual health is a first-rate duty of each man. To keep needed level of health and movement performance all the life is a very difficult task. It needs systematic effort, self discipline, endurance and strong willing. At present is stated that the way of living can influence health from about 50%. There are relatively many researches about school population parameters of health and physical fitness. Researches about adults are more rarely. In this contribution there are presented results of 569 Czech adult people (273 males and 296 females) older than 18 years. There are presented and discussed results in 5 somatic parameters: body height, body weight, BMI, fat tissue percentage and waist hips rate. Methods These parameters were measured in Czech Republic during second half of year 2011. There was used special machine apparatus Inbody 720 plus anthropometric parameter body height. Authors compare and discuss trends and changes in groups of decades after 18 years of age. Results and discussion Presented results confirm negative trends that are very often presented by similar researches. Body height trend changes from positive to neutral both in groups male and female, when the oldest groups (over 49) are the lowest, while those under 49 are taller and in each decade they do not differ so much like those older. Like negative can be also considered decade changes in another watched parameters. The lowest body weight is among youngest probands and it also seems, that more progressive negative changes become in age over 59 years of age, both in groups of male and female. Body weight of course influence negatively all watched parameters (BMI, fat tissue percentage and waist hips rate), that are getting worse with getting older. Males are already from 29 years in zone of overweight, females after 59 years; with it also correspond fat tissue percentage and waist hips rate, too. The project ’Creating a research team for the purpose of determining the level of physical activity (inactivity) in selected age groups of the population of men and women in the Czech Republic’ (CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0044) is financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic. References Sedlacek, J. et al (2007): Kondičná atletická príprava a rekreačná atletika. Univerzita Komenského Bratislava. ISBN 978-80-223-2288-1
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