Relationships of Some Physical Development Parameters with Fitness Score of Czech Senior Population

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Rok publikování 2012
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Together for Physical Education
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sportovních studií

Obor Sport a aktivity volného času
Klíčová slova Physical Activity; Czech Population; Fitness Score
Popis In this contribution we want to show the present level and mutual relationships between fundamental physical development parameters and fitness score of Czech senior population. Conclusions are: Fitness score parameter of Czech adult population has mostly normal values. Women have slightly lower level. Both sexes the older they are, the clear decrease of this parameter can be seen. Also in this research there is confirmed the slowing down of secular increase trends in Czechoslovakia from the last century mainly in parameter of body height.It is proved in this research that mainly older groups of both sexes have negative values of watched somatic parameters (body weight, BMI, fat tissue percentage and waist hips rate). There was confirmed negative significant relationship between fitness score and fat tissue percentage in any age, though the older respondents were, the higher coefficients were found.Other relationships were found between fitness score and body weight, BMI and waist hips rate mostly among older people in both sexes.
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