Remarks to taxonomy of Eugregarinida (Apicomplexa) as inferred from 18S rDNA phylogenetic analysis

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Rok publikování 2013
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Popis Relying on 18S rDNA molecular-phylogenetic analysis of Eugregarinida and Neogregarinida broad taxonomical sample, existence of four monophyletic lineages arising from one paraphyletic group was demonstrated. Relationships between them are not clear since the branching order is poorly resolved; the reason is probably their nearly simultaneous emergency followed by rapid evolution of the 18S rRNA gene led to long branch formation. These 5 groups are suggested calling as superfamilies “Actinocephaloidea” (ancestral/paraphyletic), “Lecudinoidea”, “Ancoroidea”, “Gregarinoidea”, and “Cephaloidophoroidea”. Two of them (Actinocephaloidea and Cephaloidophoroidea) comprise both aseptape (including neogregarines) and septape representatives. This picture correlates rather with Grassé’s point of view on gregarine evolution and, albeit with reservations, with his view on eugregarine taxonomy, than with Levine’s taxonomical scheme recently accepted. We suggest changing this view on gregarine taxonomy: to abolish suborders (Aseptata and Septata) as well as order Neogregarinida, and to establish the above-listed superfamilies instead.
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