Leksiko-semantičeskaja realizacija filosofskoj ideji Logosa-Slova v poetičeskom tvorčestve V.S.Solovjova



Rok publikování 2013
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Slovesnoje tvorčestvo: znak - obraz - smysl
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

Obor Jazykověda
Klíčová slova Philosophy mystic poetry Solovjov Logos analysis vocabulary poetic images
Popis The basis of this article is to identify the place and the role of the Logos in Solovyov s philosophical system. The analysis of mystical-philosophical and Gnostic images is one of the most significant issue that promotes the study of lexical basis of images of the Logos in the poetic texts of the philosopher. Imaginative implementation allowed to the thinker get through into the mystical world and create a design by the poetic picture of other dimensions, God, the Logos, Sofia.

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