L'Enrichissement du français contemporain des sources argotiques. Etude diachronique des passages d'un corpus lexical entre les registres de langue


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Název česky Obohacování současné francouzštiny z argotických zdrojů. Diachronická studie přesunů prvků lexikálního korpusu mezi jazykovými styly.


Rok publikování 2014
Druh Odborná kniha
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Centrum jazykového vzdělávání

Přiložené soubory
Popis Many non-standard expressions of the French language are generally known and used in everyday life. Today they are often considered as familiar. Dictionaries published a century ago, however, indicate that these words are from slangy language or argot. The argotic and slangy language effectively influenced the general and standard language. The stylistic statute of many argotic expressions has changed considerably in the last century. Some words didn´t transfer between linguistic registers, other pervaded from the argot to folk or even familial French and their origin isn´t perceived yet by most users. By offering in his thesis concrete examples of words from the classic slang derived from literary l'oeuvre of Benoziglio, Boudard Bourdet, Gilbert, Queneau and TV shows of the 90s of the twentieth century, the author follows and presents phenomenon passages of words between the registers of language which manifests contemporary French.

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