Biomechanical Methods in Sport - University textbook [PDF]

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PSALMAN Vladimír ZVONAŘ Martin BALÁŽ Jozef

Rok publikování 2014
Druh Učebnice
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sportovních studií

Popis Biomechanics is the science that deals with the mechanical patterns of human movement. Biomechanics approaches to explore the complexity of biological phenomena themselves and their co-operation and synergy with the external mechanical environment. It seeks to explain human behavior, human movement in terms of its internal structures and their interaction with constant and variable physical world. Its scope is broad. It interferes with the large spectrum of human physical activities. It affects the conscious human movement with the aim of physical and somatical development. The present lecture notes is based on the already released publications Biomechanical methods in sport and is designed for students of doctoral study.
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