Zum Begriff des Kunstwerks und Gebilde in der Hermeneutik Hans-Georg Gadamers und im tschechischen Strukturalismus

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Název česky K pojetí uměleckého díla a výtvoru v hermeneutice Hanse-Georga Gadamera a v českém strukturalismu

HROCH Jaroslav

Rok publikování 2014
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Popis This study deals with the conception of the work of art both in the Czech structuralism and H.-G. Gadamers hermeneutics. According to the author of this study the Czech structuralism and H.-G. Gadamers hermeneutics are connected by their conception of the energetic character of the work of art. In this article there is analyzed the conception of semantic gesture and of the dialectical character of the structure of the work of art in the studies of Jan Mukařovský and Hans-Georg Gadamer. In Mukařovský view the semantic gesture is the dynamic principle of the semantic construction of the work of art. His concept of the semantic gesture is considered also from the perspective of Gadamers interpretation theory and his theory of structure ("Gebilde"), influenced also by W. von Humboldts conception of inner form.
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