Re-constructions of Difference through Redefinition of the Single-feature Identity and the Stereotypical Ascription of Value to Non-qualitative Characteristics



Rok publikování 2015
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Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

Popis In the struggle for the dissolution of boundaries between communities it seems to be a matter of the construction of the categories of difference and its promotion by dominant part of a society. Part of the problem are questions of representation of one’s identity by others as well as self-representation of an individual, but most prominently of a particular group. I believe that one of the greatest issues in question is the idea of creating identity and the definition of the boundaries between individual identities. If we are to focus on the representation of a particular group, it is often a single-aspect identity that leads to the problem of alienation and marginalization of a community at the expense of the hegemonic privileged one. This “identity segregation” uses the strength of the stereotypical division of people into groups based on the single identity trait and by ascribing this identity a particular value even though these characteristics are non-qualitative in their very essence. Apart from the question of the categories of difference, we should therefore also have a look at the aspect of identity formation and its stereotypical representation.

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