Parent-daughter relationships and disordered eating among emerging adult women from the Czech Republic

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ALMENARA Carlos Arturo UMEMURA Tomotaka MACEK Petr

Rok publikování 2016
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Studia psychologica : an international journal of research and theory in psychological sciences
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

www DOI
Obor Psychologie
Klíčová slova attachment; disordered eating; emerging adulthood; parent-child relations; weight control
Přiložené soubory
Popis The associations between parent-daughter relationship characteristics and disordered eating behaviours among emerging adult women from the Czech Republic were examined. Participants (N = 798 women, M = 22.25 years old, SD = 1.42) reported disordered eating behaviours (dieting and unhealthy weight-control behaviours; UWCB), their relationship characteristics with each parent (trust, communication, alienation and psychological control) and covariates (weight, height, frequency of communication with parents, living status and parental statuses). Overall, 41% of women were on a diet, and 33% engaged in at least one UWCB. Logistic regression analyses revealed that none of the parent-daughter relationship characteristics had any association with dieting. However, a low quality of mother-daughter relationship (low trust, high alienation and psychological control) had a significant association with UWCB. None of the father-daughter relationship characteristics had a significant association with UWCB. The results suggest that preventive interventions with the family should emphasize the quality of the mother-daughter relationship.
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