On Linguistic Expression of Perceptive Images in the Poetic Works of Otokar Březina (Compared with Translations by Konstantin Balmont)
Název česky | K problematice jazykového vyjádření percepčních obrazů v básnické tvorbě O. Březiny (ve srovnání s překlady K. Balmonta) |
Autoři | |
Rok publikování | 2017 |
Druh | Kapitola v knize |
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU | |
Citace | |
Popis | The thesis provides examples of perception images in the works of two symbolists – the Czech poet O. Březina and the Russian K. Balmont. A linguistic analysis of Březina´s poem“Impression“ has been carried out as well as of its poetic translation by K. Balmont. The aim of the paper is to analyse linguistic means with perceptive meaning and to identify specific features of individual authorial perceptions of the world. The focus of the research is on structural and semantic transformations which the poetic picture of the world in the original text underwent during the process of translation. The ways and methods are examined of intensification and weakening of the perceptive component and poetic transformations which indicate internal relatedness of the original creation and its translation. |