Cultural Identity in Statutory Drafting

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ŠKOP Martin

Rok publikování 2018
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Právnická fakulta

Popis The process of creation of law (or the process of statutory drafting) has irreplaceable position in legal practice and belongs to the most important issues of legal theory. This process bears all possible conditions of legal identity of any national legal system. To know these conditions means to know the legal identity and understand the context where the laws are established. This process represents coherent system of traditions, disciplines and identities – and these parts are then reproduced to the whole national legal system and reproduces particular legal culture. The proposed paper focuses on cultural determination on the process of law creation in the Czech Republic. Paper emphases the process of “real” creation outside the Parliament – the processes in Parliament are sufficiently explored as well as the formal conditions of it. On the other side – the capital (Bourdieu) or discipline (Foucault) of the “empirical lawmakers” (person who really write the draft of a statute) are still outside the targets of any research in the Czech Republic. But for the identity of any legal system or any legal culture (incl. Central and East European countries) are these findings important. Who are the persons drafting laws, what are their expectations or skills and opinions about legal drafting? These are some questions that need to be answered and the proposed paper tries to find out how we can get the answers.
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