Credibility-boosting devices in corporate annual reports (in 14th ESSE Conference Abstracts)
Název česky | Jazykové prostředky posilující důvěryhodnost ve firemních výročních zprávách (ve sborníku abstraktů 14th ESSE Conference Abstracts) |
Autoři | |
Rok publikování | 2018 |
Druh | Konferenční abstrakty |
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU | |
Citace | |
Přiložené soubory | |
Popis | Kromě sdělné a reprezentační funkce mají výroční zprávy firem a institucí za cíl zlepšit obraz organizace a posílit její důvěryhodnost. Podle teorie komunikativní akce (Habermas 1984) je důvěryhodnost (kredibilita) založena na splnění čtyř validačních požadavků, jmenovitě pravdivosti, upřímnosti, přiměřenosti a srozumitelnosti. Credibility as such can be boosted by presenting or proving two major components, expertise and trust. A short genre incorporated in company annual reports, letters from executives (Letter from a CEO, Chairman´s statement, Chair´s Message, Letter to Shareholders, etc.) represent texts which attempt to persuade target readers about a competent management, strong visions, positive current situation and optimistic outlook. Combining the more subjective focus on trustworthiness and a more objectively based provision of credentials and achievements quoted to prove expertise, these letters in annual reports aim to persuade readers rather implicitly than explicitly, by establishing contact through direct address, personal endorsement, involvement and even cordiality. The paper analyses “executive letters” in the business documents subcorpus of the Corpus of English and Czech Specialised Discourses (CECSD 2017), with special emphasis on the selected verbs and nouns. The principal persuasive strategies identified in this genre contribute to a more public and interactive character of the otherwise relatively private and specialised discourse. The author wishes to acknowledge the support of the Czech Science Foundation, grant project 17-16195S “Persuasion Across Czech and English Specialised Discourses”. |
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