Dráždenie trojhlavého draka : prínosy a problémy kritickej geopolitiky


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Název česky Dráždění trojhlavého draka : přínosy a problémy kritické geopolitiky


Rok publikování 2018
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Geografia Cassoviensis
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

www http://geografia.science.upjs.sk/images/geographia_cassoviensis/articles/GC-2018-12-2/7Visnovsky_224-238.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3OGgdvIrx5Q71evSjXeI2ykQHQ6Tm2mmcN_4Pjk1xGYdaWKRk1AIDDz9E
Klíčová slova critical geopolitics; political geography; practical geopolitics; poststructuralist geographies
Přiložené soubory
Popis The aim of the paper is through the analysis of the texts of critical geopolitics to identify new possibilities of practical use and methodological progressing of critical geopolitics. For the purpose of identification of weaknesses of the discourse a three-fold typology is analysed. As the result, the main target group consisting of young educated people, for whom the ideas of critical geopolitics should be designated, is proposed. Increased focus on this identified target group together with clear set of defined methods and geopolitical concepts that critical researcher could use for research, should be considered vital for the practical progression of the concept. Popularization of the ideas of critical geopolitics outside the field of political geography and outside of academic circles should then help to trigger interaction with geopolitical decision-makers.
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