Jevgenij Čirikov – tvorčestvo dlja detej kak raznovidnost’ skazočnogo žanra Serebrjanogo veka



Rok publikování 2018
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Rossica Olomucensia LVII Sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní konference XXIV. Olomoucké dny rusistů 7.–8. 9. 2017
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

Klíčová slova Evgeny Chirikov; children's literature; children; fairy tale genre; Silver age; V carstve skazok. Prikljuchenija malenkogo puteshestvennika
Popis The paper deals with the writer Evgeny Chirikov (who spent the end of his life in Czechoslovakia) and with his literary works for children and youth. Chirikov originally reworked Russian folklore, as well as literature of Western provenance. Special attention is paid to the genre of the fairy tale, and especially to the prosaic fairy tale "V tsarstve skazok". One of the main features of the author's style are extensive descriptions of nature. From a genological point of view, we can define the work as a fairytale novel with features of contemporary fantasy literature. In his fairy tale, Chirikov used the routines common to the authors not only of the so-called Silver Age, but also throughout the 20th century.

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