Le développement de la compétence interculturelle dans l enseignement du français des affaires


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Název česky Rozvíjení interkulturní kompetence ve výuce obchodní francouzštiny


Rok publikování 2019
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Forlang
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Centrum jazykového vzdělávání

Klíčová slova language for specific purposes; business french; intercultural competence; videoconferencing
Popis Teaching a foreign language for specific purposes is not only about teaching vocabulary and developing knowledge in other linguistic categories. Today more than ever before, students' needs extend to the area of sociolinguistic, pragmatic and general skills. Using three didactic activities as an example (videoconference, international project, Erasmus student as a language teaching assistant in class) we will demonstrate the possibilities of strengthening these skills with an emphasis on intercultural competence, which has become a new horizon in foreign language teaching (Beacco 2000, Beacco 2013).

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