Where Translation Studies and Fictional Worlds Theories Intertwine : The Naming Function Revisited


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Rok publikování 2020
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis This paper focuses on the intersection between translation studies and fictional worlds theories. It views fictionality as a semantic phenomenon that is defined by its intensional structuring and can be accessed through a text's texture. When the text is translated, its texture should be ideally transferred as well. The present paper offers a brief insight into these assumptions and looks into one of the intensional functions, the naming function, in greater detail, namely by mapping out the texture of the naming function in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road and its Czech translation by Jiří Hrubý. The comparison is largely based on manual extraction of relevant segments and subsequent comparative analysis, but the paper also ventures into the possibility to describe the data with the aid of corpus-based methods.
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