Social Professions for the Whole Europe ?!?

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Rok publikování 1999
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Chytil, O., Seibel, F.W. (eds.), European Dimensions in Training and Practice of Social Professions
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Obor Pedagogika a školství
Klíčová slova social professions; social work; cross-national standards of education; NGOs; european community of social professionals
Popis The article is devoted to the following questions: "Is it possible to make compatible differnt traditions and expectatinons of individuaal national authorities and clients?" "How can professionals educated under one specific traditono meet specific needs defined inside the different cultural context?" "Are there any common features of different professional and legislative traditions?"
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