El papel de la cultura pop y las redes sociales en el enriquecimiento del léxico español


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Rok publikování 2023
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis English and Spanish are in constant contact and influence one another geographically and virtually. With the number of Spanish speakers growing constantly, the language, culture and community is now seen and heard more than ever. Intense contact between the two cultures and languages leads to the creation of new, sometimes hybrid, structures, which are part of the synchronic language and are often not codified or recognized by the relevant authorities. Over time, some of these words, phrases or expressions disappear, other persist and become part of the standard corpus. This paper analyzes emerging trends that appear in the form of hashtags used on the Internet. Thanks to social networks, popular culture and globalization, the newly formed expressions spread quickly and effectively. Various social platforms are used to collect data monthly. The selected hashtags originate from song lyrics of two popular Latin artists: Bad Bunny and Karol G. Quantitative analysis and descriptive statistics are applied to evaluate trends and determine which ones which are relatively short-lived and which have the potential to become part of the standard Spanish corpus.
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