Preparing teachers of secondary vocational schools to teach a vocational subject



Rok publikování 2021
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

Popis The paper focuses on the preparation of a secondary school teacher for a teaching unit, both the methodological and the content part of the preparation. Detailed attention is paid to the individual parts of the methodological preparation of teachers of vocational subjects because the preparation is often underestimated in practice. It is necessary to emphasize that the acquisition of students' competences during education depends in each subject on the way in which the content of the curriculum is conveyed to the students and what kind of tools the teacher uses for this purpose. This includes not only the formulation of educational and educational objectives but also the choice of the appropriate structure of the teaching unit, the choice of teaching methods, the use of relevant aids, special classrooms, etc. The general concept of teacher preparation for a teaching unit is linked by the authors with real examples from pedagogical practice.
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