El léxico de germanía en el DA2


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Rok publikování 2023
Druh Vyžádané přednášky
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis In academic lexicography, germania is a concept known from its beginnings (DA1, 1726-1739), but at the same time it is polysemic. It has its historical background in the civil wars in the Kingdom of Aragon during the 16th century, but soon came to develop the meaning of the marginalized urban proletariat, organized crime and its slang. At the same time, it has abundant literary documentation, although of dubious authenticity. Nevertheless, the word germanía continued to evolve semantically and was also forming a new meaning, the slang of delinquency in general, disassociating itself from its original meaning, limited to the golden age. Therefore, the online availability of the DA2 manuscripts offers us the possibility to study how the "new" germania, a development of the "old" golden age germania, was being formed. As the manuscripts continue up to the first third of the 19th century, we ask ourselves whether they continued in the direction of the excerpting of the golden age literary texts or whether they brought in new, more modern sources. In our contribution we will pay attention to the new entries and meanings of the germania lexicon that present an enrichment of DA2 in comparison with DA1. We will be interested in their provenance, lexicogenetic processes, thematic areas and documentary sources that support them. The DA2 manuscript material has the potential to substantially enrich our knowledge of less studied areas of the history of the Spanish lexicon, which is in this case the lexicon of germania and Spanish slang in general.
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