Measurement of didactic background level of teaching materials created by students of teaching in their final theses

Název česky Měření didaktické vybavenosti výukových materiálů vytvořených studenty učitelství v jejich závěrečných pracích


Rok publikování 2020
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

Popis A frequent topic of the final theses of teacher students is the creation of teaching materials. This fact is based on the analysis of final theses at the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University and the results of the exploratory survey. Teaching materials created by students are practical teaching aids that should be used in educational practice. But are topics, thematic units, parts of textbooks, manuals processed in such a way as to ensure the subsequent procedural effectiveness of teaching? The basic function of textbooks and other teaching materials is their ability to be an educational medium. Their accomplishment of this function is indicated by their smaller or larger didactic background level. The main goal of this research is to measure the didactic background level of selected teaching materials created by students of teaching in their final theses in order to determine how they will be useful in real educational processes. The following pages describe the starting points and methodologies of the intended research.

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