Different Approaches in the Shape Index Calculation on a Human Face


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ŠINDLÁŘ Vojtěch KATINA Stanislav

Rok publikování 2023
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Popis Our goal is to calculate the shape index, a measure of local surface topology, which is done by using several different standard linear statistical models (LM) and ridge regression models (RM) of z coordinates on x and y coordinates. In both cases (LM, RM), the models of different orders were used, i.e. quadratic, cubic and quartic, with the interaction of x and y in every case, and with and without an intercept. The goodness of fit is measured by (adjusted) coefficients of determination. The results are compared numerically and graphically with static images of the human face in different views, i.e. frontal, lateral and vertical. All statistical analyses and visualisations are performed in R.
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