Depth profiling of tin-coated glass by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry with acoustic signal measurement

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KANICKÝ Viktor OTRUBA Vítězslav MERMET Jean-Michel

Rok publikování 2000
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Obor Analytická chemie, separace
Klíčová slova Laser ablation; Inductively coupled plasma; Atomic emission spectrometry; Tin coating; Glass
Popis A pulsed, frequency-quadrupled Nd:YAG laser (266 nm, 10 Hz) coupled to an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES) was employed for depth profiling by ablation of a pyrolytically deposited Sn layer (300 nm) on float glass. The procedure consisted of performing individual ablation cycles (layer-by-layer). A raster with stroke distance of either 50 mu m or 200 mu m (the raster density) was used as an ablation pattern. The ablation was stopped after each cycle and the peal; area of the resulting transient optical signal of the ICP discharge was plotted against the cycle number. The ablation rate of 90 to 20 nm per cycle at a low-energy pulse (6 mJ to 1 mJ) was determined by profilometry. A beam masking was employed to attenuate the laser shot energy and to eliminate the peripheral irregularity of the beam profile. Almost uniform removal of the square area (1 mm x 1 mm) of the coating by ablation was achieved by combining the fitted raster density, beam masking, focusing and beam energy. Different ablation processes were distinguished in cases of the tin coating and the uncoated glass surface. While the coating was mainly evaporated, the uncoated glass surface exhibited a crumbling associated with production of glass powder. This was confirmed by electron microscopy observations. The measured acoustic signal followed the behavior of the emission intensity of the Sn line and was supposed to be proportional to the amount of Sn vapors. The emission intensity depth profile of the Sn coating with graded structure was obtained, which qualitatively corresponded with the depth profile measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry.
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