The meaning of responsibility among adolescents. Paper presented at XIth European Conference od Developmental Psychology

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Rok publikování 2003
Druh Prezentace v oblasti VaV (AV tvorba, WEB aplikace apod.)
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Popis Our research has been aimed to better understanding of the concept of responsibility among contemporary adolescents. The period of middle and late adolescence is considered extremely important in the development of one's subjective sense of responsibility. The experience of , and thinking about his/her own personal responsibility, the responsibility to others, and the responsibility of others (partner, friends, community, society) are closely related to the process of identity formation.We report results of two studies. The first one examined semantic associations of different aspects of responsibility with respect to well being context. We looked for semantic clusters around core concepts (personal responsibility, responsibility to others). Results revealed that different aspects of trust present different significant relationships to other concepts. Regarding the concept of responsibility to others, two different paths of significant relationships were found. The first is related to the personal aspects of responsibility, the second to democratic principles of society. The second study was based on focus group discussions. The topics were routine dilemmatic situations' cheat the friend, use the parent's thing without permission, etc. Results showed rather attributional conditions of responsibility than taxonomy of obligations.
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