The role of the memory and history: The local identity negotiation and place-attachment within the process of residential suburbanisation


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Rok publikování 2011
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Popis Following the cultural approach in urban studies, the paper will focus on identity negotiation in the new residential suburbs recently built (in last 15 years) in and around the city of Brno, Czech Republic. The process of suburbanization affects deeply the material as well as social space of the suburban localities. The new so called rich-suburbs are mainly built near the former villages and existing neighborhoods. The arrival of new inhabitants has changed the everyday life in these areas in many dimensions. The main goal is to understand th e phenomenon of suburbanization not only as a spatial process of enlargement of the cities, but also as a process of cultural and social change. It adverts to the differences in taste and housing preferences, it also points to the be-longing and social inclusion in enlarged localities. Via interpretation of qualitative interviews (34) conducted with existing and new residents we can see how is the attachment to the place connected with the collective memory (existing residents) and shared history (process of integration of newcomers and their effort to harmonize the narrative of their individual biography with the local history, or the rejection of this part of collective knowledge). We can also see that in some places the 18 process of suburbanization brought the issue of re-defining local identity in terms of differences between the “urban” and “village” character of the place and diverse demands and expectations of different groups of inhabitants and their legitimization.
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