National Conference on Gender and Science

Date of the event:10. 9. 2024
Venue: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Národní 3, Prague 1 + online. A fair, dignified and respectful academic environment should be a priority for all. That is why the event is subtitled " From Action to Action. "

14 Jun 2024

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The aim of the conference is to move the discussion of all stakeholders towards concrete steps and measures that will lead to an improvement of the situation in the Czech academic environment. These stakeholders include the Ministry of Education, the management of research and higher education institutions, the newly established School Ombuds Platform, student associations and other institutions and organisations.

The conference will also present examples of newly implemented institutional policies, measures and tools developed within the framework of the NKC - Gender and Science and the international UniSAFE project. Recent developments in the Czech Republic (the establishment of ombudspersons in many universities and research organisations, newly adopted measures and institutional policies, developments at the EU policy level) as well as necessary next steps will be discussed in the light of recent findings on the prevalence of different forms of violence in the Czech academic environment.

More information can be found in the press release.

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