Research and Development

Leader in Pedagogical Research

Faculty of Education focuses on the research in the field of Pedagogy. It cooperates with the number of Czech and foreign Institutions.

The Faculty of Education has long been one of the best and most sought-after Faculty of Education in the Czech Republic. In 2019, the magazine Week (8/2019) evaluated it as the best faculty of education in the Czech Republic.

Research Topics Strategy for Research and Doctoral Studies

Two Research Institutes

The Faculty of Education was established in 1946. 357 academic and non-academic staff work for the faculty in its 22 departments, 2 research institutes and 1 language center. 

Research Institutes

Research Projects

The Faculty of Education undertakes world class research for education. Our research makes original and significant contributions to knowledge and supports
informed development of public policy and professional practice, and covers various areas of research.

Research Projects

Journal Articles

Our research is published in leading international journals in the field of Education, Pedagogy, Didactics as well as in the field of Linguistics and other disciplines.

Journal Articles

Scholarly Books

Significant contributions of our researchers are published as scholarly books in respected publishing houses across the world.

Scholarly Books

HR Excellence in Research Award

Support for science and research is perceived as a priority by the Faculty of Education and is given great attention. The goal is to improve the quality of care of researchers and to create attractive working environment for them. In the spring of 2019, the Faculty of Education started preparing for the prestigious HR Excellence Award and acceded to the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The Faculty has been a proud holder of the HR Excellence in Research Award since 23.4.2021.

HR Award

Research and Publication Support

The MU Faculty of Education supports researchers in submitting and implementing projects and processing their outputs. There is a Publishing and Research Support Strategy at the MU Faculty of Education and other support tools.

Strategy Publishing Support

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