Archeologický výzkum parkánové hradby v Lázeňské ulici v Chrudimi a jeho dopad na poznání halštatského osídlení regionu

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Title in English Archaeological research into the wall of the outer bailey in Lázeňská Street, Chrudim and its contribution to the information about the early Iron Age in the region

NOVÁK Miroslav

Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Moravskoslezská škola doktorských studií. Seminář 2
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Hallstatt age; fortified settlement; rescue research; fortification; finds; ceramics; typology
Description This article assesses the results of rescue research carried out in Lázeňská Street, Chrudim, in 2009 that revealed important information about the fortification of a presumed fortified settlement from the late Hallstatt Age. In addition, the research has expanded the source base of Hallstatt ceramics, only a small proportion of which has been published.
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