Musica viva in schola nebo Ratio educationis musicae?

Title in English Musica viva in schola or Ratio educationis musicae?


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Musica viva in schola XXIII
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web Elektronická verze sborníku Musica viva in schola XXIII
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords Music Education; General School Regulations; cognitive teaching
Attached files
Description The study points out the danger of too cognitive concept of the school subject Music Education at Czech schools. The historical causes of this phenomenon are researched and the knowledge is attainded that it is possible to see in the beginning of this problem both the enlightened rationalism and the Maria Theresas school reforms. These interventions led to the degradation of the Czech Music Education, which had flourished before. This was the reason of the both qualitatively and quantitatively feebler music production in the Czech lands in the first half of the 19th century. That is why we should follow the example of the Czech music pedagogy of the 17th and 18th century and apply his time-proven didactical methods (which preferred musical spontaneity) to todays Music Education at our schools.
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