K deklinačním typům českých oikonym

Title in English To the declension types of the Czech oikonyms

TUŠKOVÁ Jana Marie

Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Človek a jeho jazyk /3. Inšpirácie profesora Jána Horeckého
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords Czech language; proprium; oikonymum; onomastic grammar; types of declension; Czech National Corpus
Attached files
Description Declension of the Czech oikonyms in the current Czech books of grammar is described within an apelative declension system. Declension of propria, also of oikonyms, i.e. names of human settlements, esp, towns and villages, has its specifics resulting from the propria functions. For this reason we define oikonymic declension types via their own paradigms and we not to work with traditional paradigms of apelatives. In our contribution we aim: 1. to evaluate possibilities of corpus SYN2005 (representative corpus of the current Czech language) as a material source for oikonym declension research; 2. to deliver a criteria proposal on the basis of which it is possible to set declension types of oikonyms; 3. to deliver a proposal of description of selected declension types of the Czech oikonyms.

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