Možnosti prevence závislostního chování ve školním prostředí

Title in English Possibilities of Addictive Behaviour Prevention in a School Environment


Year of publication 2012
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

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Description Elementary school pupils are from the perspective of drug epidemiology to the typical risk groups at risk of addictive behaviour. Increased drug experiments in this segment of the population often linked with curiosity, a desire for adventure, pleasant experiences, with finding their own limits, the need to exhibitions, social immaturity. The preventive effect in schools is used a number of forms, good results are achieved in particular the methods of prevention and peer community projects. Chapter presents a summary of the results of a pilot school program called primary prevention of addiction Drugs-Reason-Impact. The project was able to delay the onset of risky behavior school children about 1-2 years, but it is very suitable for integration with other preventive activities.
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