Maastricht Criteria of…Divergence?


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Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Národohospodářský obzor – Review of Economic Perspectives
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

web Maastricht criteria of...divergence?
Field Economy
Keywords monetary policy; Maastricht criteria; Eurozone; euro
Attached files
Description This article focuses on problematic issues of the Maastricht criteria. The possible effect of attempt to meets the criteria is confronted with its intended purpose. Each criterion is analysed generally by pointing out problematic issues, subsequently, fulfilment by Eurozone members and risks for the Czech Republic, too, are shortly analysed. It is shown that in many cases fulfilling criteria can lead to a different development than was initially intended. The analysis reveals that attempts to meet the criteria can lead to divergence from Eurozone, can cause several economic problems and can bring pain with no gain.
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