Principy fototerapie v galerijní pedagogice

Title in English Principles of Phototherapy in Gallery Education


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Z poznámkových bloků dizertačních prací...: veřejný diskurz výtvarného umění, aneb aktuálně k výtvarnému umění a k výtvarné výchově
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords art; creativity; institution; science
Description The publication of the chapter from PhD thesis. Description on recent tendencies in phototherapy. Description on the main subject of my presentation - Phototherapy in museum and gallery field dedicated to aging atendees 55 plus. The program is aiming mostly educational perspectives. It is not a therapy in common sense. We decided to transfer typical features of phototherapy into educational methods. The basis lays in Judy Weiser approach. She is the cofounder of this therapy methodology, dealing with memories, impressions, feelings and self-understanding via medium of photography. The program is based on five main parts of her approach – dealing with self portrait - self portraits of clients, photos of clients taken by other people, photos taken or collected by clients, family album and time collecting documentary and finally projective process through photography.
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