Stylistika v kontextu historie a současnosti. Docentce Evě Minářové k životnímu jubileu

Title in English Stylistics in the contexts of history and present days

TUŠKOVÁ Jana Marie KLÍMOVÁ Květoslava KOLÁŘOVÁ Ivana

Year of publication 2013
Type Editorship of scientific publication
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The publication presents results of stylistic research focused on various aspects of the text. It completes studies on stylistics in various viewpoints: explanation of terminology and various attitudes on the conceptions of stylistics, stylistic analysis of texts of various stylistic spheres, relationship among stylistics and other linguistic fields. Other studies are focused on style of medieval texts, stylish value of language means. Last thematic sphere deals with the stylistics in the education in various school types. The publication is dedicated to doc. PhDr. Eva Minářová, CSc., on the occasion of her anniversary.

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