Public pedagogy of subcultures. ECER Conference, Istanbul.


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Title in English Public pedagogy of subcultures

LOJDOVÁ Kateřina

Year of publication 2013
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The term public pedagogy is a theoretical concept to focus on processes and sites of education beyond formal schooling. It is mostly connected with popular culture and everyday life, informal institutions and public spaces and social activism. The theoretical framework of public pedagogy is based in critical social theory (e.g. Frankfurt school) and critical pedagogy (e.g. Freire, 2000, 2005, Giroux, 1998, 2008, Girouw, Myrsiades, 2001). The chosen group to be investigated in the process of public pedagogy is subculture of environmental activists – freegans. The research question was „How does the process of public pedagogy take place within the freegans subculture?" The selected methodological approach is qualitative research, which is described below. The chosen nonformal group is defined as a subculture, because it is a culture within a broker mainstream culture, with its own separate values, practices, and beliefs (Hebdige, 1979). The values of freegans are strongly enviromental, connected with animals-rights, ecology and nonconsumerism. Practices include environmental actvism (happenings, meetings, movies for public about animals rights ect.) and collective practice such as cooking vegan meal or obtaining recycled articles. The goal of the study is to conceptualize public pedagogy of the freegan subculture. The study of public pedagogy of freegans consits of goals of public pedagogy, methods of public pedagogy (the way of acting in public space such as demonstrations, happenings, but also using online media) and target audience of their public pedagogy. All these components are described in detail, structured and interpreted. They represent comprehensive insight into public pedagogy of freegan subculture based on empirical data. The outcomes describe three main cathegories arised form the research. The paper is divided into three parts according to these cathegories. First cathegory describes goals of public pedagogy of freegans. Goals are divided into three levels. The basic one is the most important and the most general, covering another specific goals. The basic goal is non-consumerism, medium one goal is veganism and on the top of the goals of the public pedagogy of subculture is recycling and using carbage. The second part categorizes methods of public pedagogy of freegan subculture. Methods are divided into two spaces: public space and media space. Public space is more traditional one and consists of methods such as happenings, demonstration or workshops about vegan food. Media space is the new one very important for public pedagogy. Media space consists of using web sites, social networks or blogs to fulfill the goals of public pedagogy of subculture. The final part defines target audience of public pedagogy of the subculture. It is public, but also more specific parts of the public such as community, small social group or supporting public (supports some aspects of subculture, e.g. veganism) and potentional members of subculture.

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