Problematika patologických závislostí a jejich primární prevence v univerzitním prostředí

Title in English Issue of pathological addictions and primary prevention of them in the university environment


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Současné trendy výchovy ke zdraví
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords questionnaire; gambling; information system; addictive substances; pathological addictions; prevention; attitudes; students; studies; university; web
Attached files
Description The paper provides an overview of the results obtained using anonymous polling in the three-year grant project. There were 3 studies that have addressed the samples full-time students of all faculties of Masaryk University. The frst and second research related to respondents' experiences with addictive substances and behaviors, attitudes and opinions. The third study looked at experiences, opinions and needs of students in the primary prevention of addiction. Responses were collected using electronic forms and statistically evaluated. The research showed that almost 40% of respondents smoked tobacco, drank alcohol, three quarters and half black cofee during the last week before the study. Over the last month 16% of the sample consumed marijuana (primarily males), 1% of hallucinogenic substances. Depressants without a prescription had used during the last month of 1% of the sample, women predominated. At least one lifetime experience with "hard" drugs admitted 5% of the sample, with the game on machines more than 30% of respondents. The preventive activities at the University met 20% of the sample, the most in the Faculty of Education, Informatics, Medicine and Science. Meeting with the prevention of the most common place in the classroom, rarely on the hall of residence, educational and special interest events. The preventive efect on students are used mainly monologue led talks on the issue of alcohol and tobacco. According to the respondents meet drug prevention at the University of continuity, systematic and diversity, it is not dedicated enough time, lack of feedback.
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