Postoje a znalosti vzorku žáků druhého stupně základní školy o konzumaci alkoholu

Title in English Attitudes and knowledge of the sample of students in primary school about alcohol consumption


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Současné trendy výchovy ke zdraví
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords alcohol; questionnaire; addictive substance; attitude; prevention; risk; school; health; knowledge; student
Attached files
Description Alcohol is now the Czech society ignored an addictive substance, which many people do not as a drug. The individual and societal consequences of the frequent and excessive consumption are dire – addiction, anti-social and antisocial behavior, relationship disruptions, failure of the family, threats to the values, health and life of the individual and others. The first contacts with alcohol occurs very early, at the age of 6–8 years, ofering it to parents or other close relatives. Young people have the impression that no alcohol can not be well entertained. It is therefore essential, in the family and primary school children to devote enough time to talk to them about issues, listen to, select the appropriate ways to spend free time. It implemented a quantitative survey of 23 questions, which were converted into electronic form. Web-based questionnaire was approached by a sample of 400 students the second primary school (195 girls, 205 boys) from 8 regions of the Czech Republic. The results showed that the experiences and feelings after consuming alcoholic beverages are for boys and girls alike, while female body is more sensitive to alcohol and vulnerable. With age, children growing presence of their experience with alcohol. Alarming is that unsignifcantly diferent basic knowledge of the risks of drinking among students who underwent a preventive program, and students without applying prevention. Preventive measures in schools must begin to apply their time and choose the appropriate form, to strengthen cooperation with parents and the whole community, not to tolerate the consumption of alcoholic beverages to children and ofering for sale.
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