Individuální čtenářství žáka a faktory, které je ovlivňují: teoreticko-metodologická východiska k tvorbě výzkumného nástroje

Title in English Individual student’s reading and aspects that impact it: theoretical and methodological basics to creation of the survey instrument


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník příspěvků XXI. celostátní konference ČAPV Efektivita vzdělávání v proměnách společnosti
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords functional literacy; reading literacy; reading; reader; factors that impact reading
Description The concept of a contribution is devided in two parts, theoretical and empirical part. The main goal presents the theoretical and methodological basics and the design of the planned research whose purpose is the analysis of the individual student's reading and aspects that impact it. The first part introduces the theoretical basis of the topic and classifies the educational terminology used in the connection with the concept of reading (functional literacy, reading literacy, reading, reader, endogenous and exogenous factors). The empirical part introduces the starting point of forthcoming research, quantitative research, methodology and the research sample.

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