CD36- and GPR120-mediated Ca2+ Signaling in Human Taste Bud Cells Mediates Differential Responses to Fatty Acids and is Altered in Obese Mice


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OZDENER Mehmet Hakan SUBRAMANIAM Selvakumar SUNDARESAN Sinju ŠERÝ Omar HASHIMOTO Toshihiro ASAKAWA Yoshinori BESNARD Philippe ABUMRAD Nada A. KHAN Naim Akhtar

Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Gastroenterology
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Physiology
Keywords Taste; human; Serotonin; Linoleic acid; GLP-1; Lipids
Description It is important to increase our understanding of gustatory detection of dietary fat and its contribution to fat preference. We studied the roles of the fat taste receptors CD36 and GPR120 and their interactions via Ca2+ signaling in fungiform taste bud cells (TBC). CD36 and GPR120 have non-overlapping roles in TBC signaling during oro-gustatory perception of dietary lipids; these are differentially regulated by obesity.
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