Epigenetika a nekódující RNA ve vztahu k psychofarmakoterapii


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Education. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Epigenetics and non-coding RNA in a relationship to psychopharmacotherapy

HOSÁK Ladislav POKORNÝ Jaroslav MOUREK Jindřich ŠERÝ Omar

Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Psychiatrie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Genetics and molecular biology
Keywords mental disorders; treatment; epigenetics; gene expression; pharmacoresistency
Description Epigenetics deals with the influence of external as well as intrinsic factors on the DNA function in a given organism without the change of DNA sequence. Epigenetic effects are significant in both currently existing cells and their daughter cells. Epigenetic research has only been performed on in vitro tissues,experimental animals and brain tissue of deceased psychiatric patients so far.
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