La fonction créatrice de la parole dans le livre de la Genese et dans la littérature, de François Mauriac a Sylvie Germain

Title in English Creative function of the word in Genesis end in the literature, from Francois Mauriac to Sylvie Germain


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Nouveaux Cahiers Francois Mauriac
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords literature and christianity; figures in novels; Genesis; Francois Mauriac; Sylvie Germain
Attached files
Description This article is a study of a parallel process of creation of the world and creating characters with Francois Mauriac and Sylvie Germain. While Francois Mauriac offers by his figures space-time where they can develop, Sylvie Germain is trying to transform the emergent image in narrative.

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