A Case of habere + Past Participle in Late Latin


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Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Graeco-Latina Brunensia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Digital Library of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University
Field Linguistics
Keywords Late Latin; past participle; habere; grammaticalization
Description The paper examines the characteristics of habere transgressa, a case of habere + past participle, as found in Passio Desiderii. In comparison to other texts under examination, habere transgressa shows a high degree of grammaticalization, as a construction with an inanimate subject and participle of an intransitive verb. It is suggested that the use of the auxiliary habere may have been influenced by the development of the impersonal habet as well as the expanding meaning of habere. Habere + past participle occurred only twice in Passio Desiderii, while the auxiliary esse with past participle was found frequently in the text. Habere transgressa thus seems an important, although an isolated, example of habere + past participle, a study of which can contribute to a better understanding of the development of habere + past participle from Latin to Romance languages.
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