Metodika mikroprostorové evidence polohy nálezů v sídlištních objektech

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Title in English Methodology of micro-spatial recording of the position of finds in settlement features


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia archaeologica Brunensia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords settlement archaeology; formation processes; microGIS; Neolithic
Description The aim of the paper is to present a possible solution to the issue of the origin of fillings of settlement features. In 2008–2010, a methodological experiment was carried out in the Těšetice-Kyjovice "Sutny" site. It is a multicultural site with traces of settlement from the Neolithic up to the Hallstatt period and is suitable for addressing some issues of the settlement archaeology. During the excavation of filling of feature 738 of the Lengyel Culture, with admixture of material from the Linear Pottery Culture, three excavation methods were used: spatial recording of artefacts in quadrants 1 x 1 m; spatial recording on 1:10 plans; and spatial recording in absolute coordinates using a total station. In the article we will focus mainly on the issue of excavation methodology and micro-spatial recording of archaeological material. Analyses of this terrain situation and comparison of the applied excavation methods are suitable for identifying formation processes, in particular the origin and nature of intrusions in settlement features.
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