Společné aspekty rodinného prostředí u sebepoškozujících se jedinců v období dospívání

Title in English Common Aspects of Family Environment in Self Harming Individuals in Adolescence


Year of publication 2013
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description "Common aspects of family environment on self harming individuals in adolescence" is a theme that highlights the current problems of deliberate self-harm. Our research focuses on the situation of adolescents in the family, family composition and its potential impact on the emergence of deliberate self-harm in adolescents. The research is to probe into the teaching staff, when we examined the attitude of teachers towards deliberate self-harm and their competence to solve this problem with their pupils, respectively. students. We have also prepared a case study of three probands, in which we seek the same factors leading to this behavior. We also contacted a clinical psychologist from the University Hospital in Pilsen, which has been answered a few questions on this topic.
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