Didaktické otázky ke kooperativnímu a autoregulovanému učení

Title in English Didactic Issues for Cooperative and Self-Directed Learning


Year of publication 2013
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The chapter is dealing with didactic issues in the inclusive school. The importance of cooperation, the difference in understanding of cooperative work and cooperative learning with a focus on the characterization of cooperative learning are explained. We are looking for answers to the questions: How can the school become a supportive environment for the development? How should we establish appropriate structures and processes and plan the results? How can we make accessible the support of our own competencies, cooperative and social competencies by joint reflection among teachers, but also between teachers and pupils? The paper offers an explanation of the term self-directed learning. The chapter also offers the analysis teacher's competencies in the inclusive school, which they should have. These competencies cover in addition to the basic teaching skills of internal differentiation and individualization also the knowledge of developmental and educational psychology. An example of good practice is offered at the end of the chapter.
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